For the purpose of safety and monitoring of our students participating in our extra-curricular activities, it is important that parents/guardians are timely in their arrival for pick-up. If you are not currently enrolled and would like to register for Champions After School Program, CLICK HERE.


The guidelines below ensure our SJCS Liturgical Choir is successful. St. James Liturgical Choir members are held to a high standard and exemplary effort is expected at all time.

*Please note: please keep in mind choir is a year long commitment. If your students chooses to participate in a SJCS sport that conflicts with choir, please notify the directors immediately so a compromise can be reached between the two activities.

Student Code of Conduct
I will be on time and prepared for rehearsals and Mass.
I will always be respectful to fellow choir members and the directors.
I will always be on my best behavior.
I will hand in permission slips by the deadline given.
I will attend all Masses and performances.

Students will not be excused to participate in other activities (clubs, sports, dance, etc.)
Illnesses/doctor appointments are excused absences as long as parents/guardians communicate with a phone call or email to Mrs. Gutweniger prior to the appointment. Parents, not the students, must communicate with directors.
●If your student is absent from school the day of choir rehearsal, please notify your child’s homeroom teacher and the choir directors.
An unexcused absence occurs when a student is absent from rehearsal or Mass and there has not been notification from a parent/guardian prior to the rehearsal or Mass. Students with three (3) unexcused absences from rehearsals/Mass will be dismissed from the choir.
Students who miss the rehearsal before a Mass/performance will not be allowed to participate in the Mass/performance.

Any time a student is disruptive during practice, the student will receive a warning.
After 3 warnings, the student will be dismissed from the choir for the remainder of the year.

Parents/guardians are to pick up students outside the Main Building promptly at 4:15pm.
Any changes in pickup must be communicated to the directors prior to rehearsal.
Students not picked up by 4:20pm will be signed into the Champions After School Program for their safety and applicable rates/fees will be assessed.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover

Your card will not be charged. This is a pre-registration to reserve your spot until your payment is processed in the future. By completing this page, you agree that this payment information will be used to process your payment for the full amount at the proper time.

RegFox Event Registration Software